NE? / KİM? (what / who)
- BU / ŞU / O NE? (What is this hat (nearby) hat(further away)?)
- Bu bir kitap.>> This is a Book.
- Şu bisiklet. >> This is a bicycle.
- Elma. >> Apple.
- BU / ŞU / O KİM? (Who is this?)
- Bu Susan. >> This is Susan.
- Şu bir doktor. >> that is a Doctor.
- Ahmet.
- BU/ŞU/O ............... MI?
- EVET, ................. .
- HAYIR, ............... DEĞİL.
A-I: I O-U: U E-i:i Ö-Ü: Ü
* This 4 group of vowels** are one of the main harmony rule groups which we will seeing future many times. You should remember this 4 groups.
So our question ending "MI" changes up to our harmony rule above:
a-ı: MI o-u: MU e-i: Mİ ö-ü:MÜ
This means you need to check your noun´s or adjective ´s last vowel and find out which group it belongs, then choose your question ending according to this vowel.
Örnek (example):
- Bu kitAp mI? - İstanbul güzel mi?
- Evet (kitap).
- Hayır, kitap değil.
- Şu doktOr mU? - Film kötü mÜ
* BE AWARE! Question ending "mi, mı, mu, mü" always written seperately from the word!
Türkçe´de 8 sesli harf vardır ve 2 temel gruba ayrılırlar:
- Kalın sesli harfler: a, ı, o, u
- ince sesli harfler: e, i, ö, ü
Note for students: Turkish language is a phonetic language and therefore vowels become very important and you should remember this 8 vowels and their different classifications which we will study in due course. Because in future lessons you will see that all the turkish ´endings´ will work together always following the vowel harmony rules.
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