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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Affirmative Form (positive)

Ben-im I am
Sen-sin you are
O- (dur) he/she/it is
Biz-iz we are
Siz-siniz you are
Onlar-(dır) they are
• Ben (öğretmen) im. (I’m a teacher.)
• Sen (öğretmen) sin. (You’re a teacher.)
• O (öğretmen) dir. (He/she is a teacher. )
• Biz (öğretmen) iz. (We’re teachers.)
• Siz (öğretmen) siniz. (you’re teachers.)
• Onlar (öğretmen) dir(ler). (they’re teachers.)
***As you see, the noun comes between the pronoun and the personal suffix.
"-DIr” (to be) <=>according to the vowel harmony rule, the vowel is changed and appears as “-dır, -dir, -dur, -dür”.
1. If the preceeding syllable is “e” or “i”, the vowel in the verb “to be” will be “i”:
ev-dir (house)
iyi-dir (fine)
2. If the vowel in the preceeding syllable is “ö” or “ü”, the vowel will be “ü”:
Otobüs-tür* (bus)
3. If the vowel in the preceeding syllable is “o” or “u”, the vowel will be “u”:
doktor-dur (doctor)
kuru-dur (dry)
4. If the vowel in the preceeding syllable is “a” or “ı”, the vowel will be “ı”:
Para-dır (Money)
Amerikalı-dır (american)
*The consonant “D” changes in some situations due to consonant harmony. If the noun’s ending consonant is a voiced consonant, the suffix will be “-dır”; but if the words ends with a voiceless consonant, it will be “-tIr”.
Voiced consonants: b, c, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, y and all the vowels
Voiceless consonants: ç, f, h, k, p, s, ş, t, z
Negative form
Ben (öğrenci) değilim. I’m not a student.
Sen (öğrenci) değilsin. You’re not a student.
O (öğrenci) değil(dir). He/she is not a student.
Biz (öğrenci) değiliz. We are not students.
Siz (öğrenci) değilsiniz. You’re not students.
Onlar (öğrenci) değil(dir)ler. They’re not students.
***In order to form negative, the word “değil” is placed just before the verb-ending. In this case, the verb-ending is attached to “değil”.
Bu temiz bir lokanta değildir. (This is not a clean restaurant.)
Interrogative Form
Ben (öğretmen) miyim? Am I a teacher?
Sen (öğretmen) misin? Are you a teacher?
O (öğretmen) mi(dir)? Is she/he a teacher?
Biz (öğretmen) miyiz? Are we teachers?
Siz (öğretmen) misiniz? Are you teachers?
Onlar (öğretmen(ler) ) mi(dir)? Are they teachers?
Onlar (öğretmen) midir(ler)? Are they teachers?

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