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Saturday, October 30, 2010

(ı/i/u/ü)m * part 1

1. ı/i/u/ü are used as auxiliary letters to separate two consonants.
1a. means my when added to a noun:
baş-ı-m = başım: my head
1b. indicates 1st person singular when added to a verb:
geldi-m: i came
1c. indicates 1st person singular when added to a noun/adjective if it's the predicate of the sentence (which is called a noun sentence):
(ben) uzun-u-m = uzunum: i'm tall
(ben) öğretmen-i-m = öğretmenim: i'm a teacher
1d. makes nouns from verbs:
seçmek: to choose, to elect -> seçim: choice, election
bakmak: to look -> bakım: maintenance
yazmak: to write -> yazım: orthography, spelling (also, my writing)
2. an ı, i, u or ü is put if the last letter of the word is a consonant, dropped if it's a vowel:
ev-i-m = evim: my house;
duvar-ı-m = duvarım: my wall;
yol-u-m = yolum: my way
araba-m = arabam: my car;
kapı-m = kapım: my door
keçi-m = keçim: my goat
su-y-u-m = suyum: my water (the original form of the word in the far distant past was SUW but it's been long lost, so don't say sum)
ne-y-i-m = neyim: my what? (regular forms nem, nen etc. are also used, as in the folk song de get bayburt de get sende nem kaldı)
2a. -ı- is used when the last vowel in the word is a or ı:
hayAt -> hayatım: my life
krAl -> kralım: my king (also, i'm the king)
katIr -> katırım: my mule (also, i'm a mule)
yakIn -> yakınım: my close (ie, my relative, also, i'm close)
words ending in -al sometimes take -i- as in meralim: my meral (female name), kemalim: my kemal (male name).
saat -> saatim: my watch or clock
2b. -i- is used when the last vowel in the word is e or i:
kedEr -> kederim: my sorrow
kemEr -> kemerim: my belt
sinİr -> sinirim: my nerve
vezİr -> vezirim: my queen (in chess), my vizier (also, i'm a vizier)
2c. -u- is used when the last vowel in the word is o or u:
tampOn -> tamponum: my bumper (meaning the bumper of my car)
kupOn -> kuponum: my coupon
gurUr -> gururum: my pride
okUr -> okurum: my reader (also, i read)
2d. -ü- is used when the last vowel in the word is ö or ü:
şofÖr -> şoförüm: my driver (also, i'm a driver)
planÖr -> planörüm: my glider
dönÜş -> dönüşüm: my return (also, transformation, from dönüşmek: to transform, to turn into)
görÜş -> görüşüm: my view, my opinion (also, that i see/saw, as in bu onu son görüşümdü: that was the last time that i saw her)

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